I went to my friend , a person Azaba , housing alone
Faqabelth at the door of his apartment , which is out in a hurry
He told me enter the apartment and I will go to the supermarket
Buy cool and Ajik
And actually entered him into the apartment , and when I entered the room , I was surprised
, , Unit , lying on her back alone and not with a
It was completely naked , is not it something ,
Vogamadt my eyes, and retreated to the back and I went to the room
The second
, And I said to myself, What brought me here at this time
So I decided to sit in the room until my friend comes ,
And I thought to go out , but I decided to sit
But the landscape is not left me , and the devil began pushing me to go
It, and tell me do it
I said no no no I will not go , they belong to my friend
It will anger me if he knows I attacked her , and will teach There is no doubt
But the landscape is going on in front of my eyes
While I am in conflict with my thoughts and Tejelaty , and stood on my feet
Scheduled to go to
And began the oldest man and the last the other , and I am hesitant
But the motive for the gruesome act was stronger
I entered the room , and, unfortunately, was the same before, and the atmosphere was
Encourages , unfortunately
Ergonomics adjuster coldly beautiful , and the dim light of the room , and there spotlight
It alone
I started to like it, and approached her slowly
So I sat down next to her , and my eyes staring at them , which is lying on her back ...
In the style of anyone pulling her whatever
I sat next to her Otamlha
And while I also began to stretch my hand
But I soon I withdraw my hand
I want advancement , but I come back to sit, and if my hand approaching them
Stretching gradually , even , and reached my hand to the near and touched her thigh
Here I could not possess it on myself , Vomskt bidi right leg
Left , and right thigh with my left hand , and my eyes on her chest
The petitions submitted high
You eat the legs and thighs and chest
Did not keep to the authors ,
Which brought them in order to have lunch and he likes the grilled chicken
He went to the supermarket to buy a Seven-Up , with lunchTaicho and other Taklo اربرءؤءؤ
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